The COVID-19 virus has left many of us isolated at home—a circumstance that can be trying. Many adjustments must be made, and we long to get out into the world. That’s a minor problem compared to losing work, being sick, or coping with the stress of serving on the frontlines in the fight against the pandemic. But it is a problem that’s far too common now.
When I start to get stir crazy, I remind myself that at least I have a home I like that I can tuck away in. My wife and I planned it as a place we’d enjoy living—and that’s paying off now! If we must be stuck somewhere, I’m glad it’s our “crib.” It’s comforting to us, and a bit of comfort is what everyone needs at the moment.
But I must admit, the extra time knocking around the house has left me noticing imperfections. A guy who loves home improvement like me can’t help but see things that need fixing … and things that need replacing. Even if nothing’s “wrong,” I keep visualizing interior-design enhancements. It’s just my nature to think about how my home could be even better.
Anyone who knows me well won’t be surprised by that. It’s just who I am. They can probably picture me during this time going from room to room, like an inspector with a magnifying glass and a flashlight looking for anything that needs repairing. Or they might see me as one of those expert hosts on the home-makeover TV shows, enthusiastically coming up with ways to beautify each room.
If I’m looking for something to perk me up, my family and friends know that planning a home repair or enhancement project is just the medicine I need. Life goes on, and we all deserve something to make us feel good—and home improvement makes me feel good.
Would it make you feel good?
Maybe you’re blessed enough to have some extra money in your budget because of a vacation you couldn’t take. Or maybe, like me, all the extra time at home has simply triggered an itch to make it look better. Whatever reason you have for investing in your home, why wait? You’re not going out anywhere—why not take some pleasure in improving where you are?
In the midst of this crisis, that little bit of happiness can go a long way.
If hardwood floors happen to be one of the things you’d like to change, we’re here to help. Ralph’s showroom is closed to the general public, but you can visit for an in-person consultation. Call 920.984.3383 to schedule an appointment.
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