You've Got a Friend

Rod Lorenz


Ralph’s never would have been around for more than 50 years without the great people who have worked here and continue to work here. As owner and president, I can’t express enough how much I value these talented people.

Cortney Lindquist (pictured on the right above) is a perfect example. She loves to meet people, and I want you to meet her. So I asked her to tell us a bit about herself and her work here at Ralph’s. This is her response. — Rod 

Nine years ago, I was working at a retail store where I had been for a year-and-a-half.

I hated it.

I enjoyed helping customers, but the pay wasn’t good, my co-workers were constantly changing, and no one seemed to want to be there, including the managers. It was a typical retail chain, with low employee morale.

I decided “enough.” I started applying anywhere and everywhere, including Ralph’s, which I drove by every day but didn’t know anything about. Thankfully, they hired me!

I started by answering the phone, talking with customers in the showroom, and doing some bookkeeping. Eventually, I moved into a more sales-oriented position, working closely with customers during their entire Ralph’s experience.

That’s one of my favorite things about working at Ralph’s—the opportunity to help customers get the floors they’re dreaming about.

It’s very satisfying to listen to homeowners’ desires and concerns, make suggestions, and work with them to make their dream a reality. It’s also lot of fun to get to know them. I’m a people person, and I enjoy becoming friendly with the people I’m serving.

Another great thing about being part of the Ralph’s team is that it really is a team. We all have our different personalities, of course, but we get along great. That friendliness I love is here, and everyone works together to take a project from beginning to end. We help each other out when needed, and you always feel like someone has your back. It makes you want to go to work everyday.

You’d think being here nine years would make me one of the most-experienced people in the company, but there are plenty of folks who have been at Ralph’s far longer than me. We all believe in the Ralph’s way of doing business because it benefits everyone—the customers we truly value, and the members of our team dedicated to making them way more than pleased.

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